Holiday Gifting on a Budget

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Holiday gifting can be a stressful time of year, especially when you’re on a budget.

It can feel like there are so many people to buy for and not enough money in your pocket. But don’t worry—it is possible to find meaningful gifts that won\’t break the bank! Here are some tips for holiday gifting on a budget:

  • Get creative with DIY projects: Making something yourself shows thoughtfulness and effort, plus it\’s usually much cheaper than buying something from the store. Think about what kind of crafty project would make an appropriate gift based on who you\’re giving it too (e.g. knitting scarves or making homemade candles).
  • Shop around online: There are plenty of websites offering discounts during the holiday season, so take advantage by doing some research before committing to any purchase. You may even stumble upon unique items that aren\’t available at traditional stores!
  • Give experiences rather than things: Instead of physical presents, try giving tickets or vouchers for activities such as movies, concerts, or theatre performances. These types of gifts create lasting memories which will likely mean more in the long run compared to material possessions anyway! Also, they often come at discounted prices if purchased ahead in bulk quantities.
  • Make thoughtful gestures count: Sometimes all we need is just one small gesture from our loved ones; whether it’s baking cookies together or taking them out for a coffee date—these moments matter most because these show how much we care about each other.

Check out Gifting Hat’s customized gift suggestions tool here!

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