Eco-Friendly Ways of Wrapping Your Presents

Reduce your holiday waste and impress your gift recipients.


The holidays are here—which means we’re all busy shopping, planning meals, and preparing gifts.

While it can be fun to find the perfect presents for our loved ones, there’s something else to consider too—the amount of wasteful wrapping paper that often accompanies those gifts. This year let’s get creative with some eco-friendly wrappings instead! Here are a few tips you can use when choosing how to wrap up your holiday presents in sustainable style.

Start simple and use what you have at home already as much as possible (think outside of traditional wrapping paper when thinking green this season):

  • Old maps make excellent patterns on flat surfaces like boxes or packages
  • Sheet music as a wrapping paper to infuse your present with a jazzy flair
  • Newspaper comics and crossword puzzles as wrapping paper to a fun element
  • Recycled brown paper not only adds rustic charm but it’s also cost effective since you don’t need any extra materials besides some ribbon for added flair
  • Reuse scrap fabric pieces in various sizes of squares, rectangles, circles to tie around gifts using traditional Japanese techniques without tape or glue! Depending on the design you decide upon this could range from simple knot tying combinations up to more intricate patterns including multiple layers of ties at each end securing everything together beautifully!
  • Choose a box that is the perfect size for your gift, then line it with natural plant-based materials such as burlap or jute cloth to create a stylish and sustainable wrapping option that can be reused year after year
  • Transform empty jars into eye catching gifting containers
  • Consider woven constructs and leaf envelopes for exquisite, origami-like wraps
  • A tote bag is an eco-friendly and affordable way to present a Christmas gift
  • Fabric or canvas reusable bags with bright, festive colors, and patterns

Check out Gifting Hat’s customized gift suggestions tool here!

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