Learn more about how journaling can help you stay motivated and on track.
As we enter a new year, many people are looking to set meaningful resolutions that will bring them closer to their desired outcomes.
While it’s easy enough to make these promises verbally or even just think about them internally, there’s something special about writing down our goals that makes us more likely to achieve success. That\’s why journaling has become such an integral part of goal-setting for so many individuals—it helps keep us accountable and provides tangible evidence of progress over time.
Journaling allows us to take stock in what we want out of life by providing a space where we can reflect on our ambitions without judgement or distraction from outside sources like social media or other forms of entertainment. It also provides structure and clarity when trying to break big dreams into smaller actionable steps; having everything written out clearly makes it easier to visualize how each step fits together toward achieving the ultimate outcome, as well as identify any potential roadblocks along the way (before they arise unexpectedly later on).
Additionally, seeing all of your thoughts laid out visually helps encourages positive self-talk, which further reinforces motivation levels while helping maintain focus throughout journey ahead—no matter how long may be!
Most importantly, journals serve as reminders to our future selves about exactly what was promised at the start of the journey, and keeps those commitments top-of-mind during times doubt and discouragement (when they inevitably occur). This not only prevents backsliding, but also ensures greater satisfaction in the end result, since feeling accomplishment comes with knowing the full extent of the effort that you put forth to successfully reach the finish line.
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